September 2023

A MAGAZ INE FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS MAIA ZINE SEPT ISSUE, 2023 HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Universit y students talk about exploring AI in college. CAN PEOPLE TELL IF AI WROTE IT? Can teachers really tell if a student used ChatGPT ? Can you? THINKING OF STUDYING AI? Student opinions of AI, and how are they using it. It may not be what you think. How one student used AI in her quest for social equity. WHY WAIT? LE ARN AI NOW Tips for getting a head star t by learning about AI now.

STUDENT OPINION PIECES CONTENTS Navigating New Frontiers By Jessica Herr What Teens Really Think About Using AI By Riley Zimmerman Jr Why ChatGPT Doesn’t Interest Me By David Li Algorithms Can TheyChange Your Mind? By Matthew Yu Friendship 2.0 By Victoria Deckard Can You Tell When It Is Written By AI? By Cynthia Zhang SPOTLIGHTS BOCCONI UNIVERSITY MCPHS LEIDEN UNIVERSITY SHL LUCERNE EHL IE UNIVERSITY BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO UNIVERSITY COLLEGE ROOSEVELT UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA BISHOP’S UNIVERSITY HKUST HELPFUL TIPS Features How AI Can Be Used To Advocate For Social Equity How Hannah Flitman used Ai to uncovering systemic bias in order to fight for social equity. Studying a Bachelor’s Degree in AI Samarth Bhatia’s reflections on studying AI as a major in his Bachelor Degree. AI: A Catalyst For Chemical Engineering We spoke to Sam Andersson who recently explored the intersection of AI and Chemical Engineering. How Engineering Led To A Masters In AI Paul Gailey, studying his Masters of Data Science shares his journey into the world of AI. 6 12 17 22 30 32 38 44 48 54 58 66 70 Step by step instructions for students wanting to get started on learning about AI in high school 31 Quick learning modules on AI from EPFL 74 Here are some AI activities that you could complete to add to your resume 75 “I believe that at the end of the century the use of words and general educated opinion will have altered so much that one will be able to speak of machines thinking without expecting to be contradicted.” - Alan Turing 4 10 11 17 22 30

5 4 Navigating New Frontiers Artificial intelligence (AI) - you’ve certainly heard of it by now. AI is a world of complex algorithms and potential possibilities that has the power to revolutionize our lives. Imagine living in a society where machines are capable of understanding, learning, and even thinking like humans. That’s what artificial intelligence is all about. To be honest, much of that world is already here. AI is basically technology that mimics human cognition by processing a lot of data to make decisions, recognize patterns, and solve complex problems. It’s like we are crafting digital brains that could reshape industries, transform how we interact with technology, and propel us into the era of innovation. In healthcare, AI has greatly improved the accuracy of medical image analysis, assisting radiologists in diagnosing conditions like cancer from X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans. In finance, AI-driven algorithms analyze market data to make difficult trading decisions. Renaissance Technologies’ Medallion Fund is an example that utilizes quantitative AI models for trading and therefore consistently generating high returns. In entertainment, AI can suggest movies, music, and videos based on user preferences and viewing habits. Companies such as Netflix, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and others employ AI to recommend content to subscribers (which I am certain you have experienced and used before). By Jessica Herr, Grade 10, Bellevue Senior High School, Bellevue So, how does AI actually work? It’s a collection of algorithms that learn from data we provide; it is similar to how we consume knowledge, training ourselves to know a certain subject. Similar to the way we study for exams, AI algorithms learn to recognize cats from dogs, play chess like grandmasters, or even sometimes diagnose diseases more accurately than doctors (crazy, right?). This fusion of data and algorithms creates what we call machine learning, a subset of AI that enables computers to learn from experience. This is basically teaching your phone to predict your preferences and respond to your commands— like Snapchat’s new AI bot! However, AI isn’t all perfect yet. It currently raises questions and doubt about ethics and bias. Just as we are influenced by our experiences, AI systems adopt biases or stereotypes that are in the data they learn from. For example, images of cooking or household chores online have more images of women in them, while images of business and work have men in them. If images and data like this are given to the AI for learning, then it will create stereotypes and prejudice, which will affect our world negatively. As young scholars who are doing our part to build a fair world, it’s our duty to ensure that the AI we create respects diversity and fairness that our community wants to embrace. There are people who seem to be afraid of the advances of technology, fearing its replacement of humans. I would like to think that this is not as scary as people think it could be. I believe it’s crucial to understand and appreciate the significance of having a partnership between humanity and artificial intelligence. In this era of innovation, it’s important to understand that the goal of AI isn’t to replace humans, but rather to serve as a powerful tool that helps our capabilities to greater heights. While AI exhibits the astounding ability to go through volumes of data within seconds, it lacks the qualities that define humanity, namely, empathy and creativity. By recognizing how the partnership between humans and technology can complement each other so well, we can unlock the door to a future where innovation flourishes, bright solutions emerge, and the essence of what it means to be human is deepened rather than diminished. How Do Chatbots Become Prejudiced, Racist And Sexist? The news has reported multiple examples of chatbots becoming racist and sexist within a very short amount of time. This is because of the huge amount of data needed to train these chatbots. AI will learn from the examples it is given; and a lot of the data comes from places like Twitter and Reddit. Will Douglas Heaven from the MIT review wrote, “Tools like GPT-3 are stunningly good, but they feed on the cesspits of the internet.” And it isn’t necessarily an easy problem to solve. But, many are trying to do so. For example, earlier this year, the creators of ChatGPT wrote a blog post saying, “the concerns raised ... have uncovered real limitations of our systems.” Learn how they plan to improve ChatGPT.


9 8 Founded by a visionary entrepreneur, Bocconi University is recognized internationally for its academics and research in the social sciences. Innovation and entrepreneurship are in our DNA: today we integrate the latest technology with a human touch, offering programs at the leading edge and providing our students with the skills needed to successfully navigate the job market. Whatever your choice, you will learn from expert faculty, attending programs at the forefront of modern higher learning. A Bocconi education is a springboard to your future! STEM FOCUSED PROGRAMS BACHELOR OF SCIENCE • Economics, Management and Computer Science • Mathematical and Computing Sciences for Artificial Intelligence MASTER OF SCIENCE • Artificial Intelligence • Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology • Data Science and Business Analytics • Cyber Risk Strategy and Governance – in partnership with Politecnico di Milano THE BEST EDUCATION FOR THE DIGITAL AGE IS AT BOCCONI INNOVATION AND RESEARCH • A recently established Department in Computing Sciences deals with STEM disciplines with a multidisciplinary spirit • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning contribute to innovative research • The Department’s faculty teach STEM courses offered at the undergraduate and graduate levels OUR OFFER • Programs in advanced digital and technological areas, such as computer science, artificial intelligence and data science • All BSc programs include a compulsory programming course and cuttingedge learning technologies MACHINE LEARNING NEEDS HUMAN TEACHING

11 10 What Teens Really Think About Using AI Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a relatively new tool to the general public that has more and more people turning to AI for questions, concerns, and everyday tasks. In terms of school, AI can be a taboo and stress-inducing topic. Not only can using AI result in a failing grade, but it can also give the student a bad reputation. Charlie, a junior at a public high school in the Midwest, gives her insight on the use of AI, “I've used AI only for generating titles for essays or speeches. I've definitely thought about using it for essays, but if I'm completely honest, I'm nervous about using it for school-related things just because I don't want to have that reputation of being that person who slacked on everything and get better grades than people who actually put in the honest effort”. Charlie isn't the only student I interviewed who is nervous about using AI. Sari, a sophomore says, “I am just too scared of the potential consequences there could be.” Many students disapprove of using AI to write a paper. All the students I interviewed agreed that using AI to write a paper is cheating. “I think that essay writing is an important life skill,” said Sage, a senior. “It's cheating because it is presenting something that isn't your work as your work”. AI not only fabricates student-written prompts but does so in ways that invite criticisms. “I would never let AI write a paper because AI’s writing is emotionless and boring”, Henry, a junior, said. Although many students were nervous about the consequences of AI, there are some who use it. “It can give me inspiration when I'm experiencing some brain fog or simple burnout and is helpful for producing literary responses without having to search the stretches of the internet,” Meyers said. Gabe , a junior at different public high school had another opinion. He said, “I have used AI in my schoolwork. When I took French and couldn't understand an assignment, or if I had a hard time with certain conjugations.” He noted, “Why do the work yourself when you can have a computer do it perfectly for you?”. Everyone interviewed said their teachers are against any usage of AI. “In almost every introduction lesson my teachers had during the first week of school this year, there was a cut-to-the-chase segment about no AI use whatsoever,” Meyers said. Some teachers make it harder for students to do their own work because the teacher is scrutinizing everything. “Since AI has become more popular, teachers are more suspicious and there are more rules you must follow while writing essays,” said Henry. In the end, the hidden potential for greatness and flaws has not yet been discovered. So, for now, the students I surveyed seem to be exclusively using AI for ideas. Right now, all the students I interviewed are too scared to actually use it to write papers. I think one student’s comment speaks for all the different concerns brought up and something every student thinking of using AI should seriously think about. He said, “It is an easy way to avoid doing difficult and time-consuming work. It can become a crutch that eventually holds you back when it isn’t available and you to actually use your brain.” By Riley Zimmerman, Grade 11, Clayton High School, St. Louis Some students say that they cannot function without ChatGPT, yet as a student, I choose not to use it. Sure, with over 100 million users (as of 2023), it is evident that many people hold it in high regard, yet I do not see the appeal of using this tool. Despite my lack of interest, there are indeed many valid uses of ChatGPT. For instance, some of my teachers make great use of this tool: they may use it to come up with ideas for activities in certain classes or make a lesson plan with just a simple command. Using ChatGPT to complete mundane tasks may be great for teachers because they can then spend time on other useful things. However, students probably use this tool as a simple shortcut to quickly finish a piece of work assigned to them because artificial intelligence can write basic essays with relevant quotes or solve certain maths problems with an effortless click of a mouse. But it doesn’t satisfy my needs. I am not a busy teacher struggling to find the time to create the most compelling lessons, nor am I a student struggling enough to need help from AI. I am also skeptical of its accuracy. For instance, it has been shown to give incorrect mathematical conclusions. It is also well known that it creates convincing but non-existent quotes on its own. Furthermore, I believe that any written work done by ChatGPT won’t be as good as that done by a capable student: AI is not familiar with the nuances of essay structures and often lacks the insight necessary to obtain a top grade. Above all, the use of ChatGPT inhibits learning: many do not seek to alter the machine’s work or digest or understand the relevant topics. Like me, students who strive to attain the highest marks possible in all their exams, likely will not use this tool after realizing that it is far more effective to do their work and learn to use their time well than rely on ChatGPT. by David Li, Year 12, King’s College, Auckland Why ChatGPT Doesn’t Interest Me

13 12 A world-class education is closer than you think MCPHS is fully committed to coaching international students to achieve rewarding healthcare careers within a close-knit, welcoming community with mentors and staff who have experience working with international students and who understand their needs. MCPHS brings international students into the world of American healthcare through a supportive and successful method. Close to 1,000 international students make up over 15 percent of the student body, creating a dynamic, enriching, and diverse community. Take a look at our International Viewbook to learn more about what the international student experience is like at MCPHS. »Find the right fit for you, explore our programs »Ready to take the next step? International Applicants | MCPHS #1college for value in the U.S. #9 special focus institution for hosting international students –2020 Open Doors Report

14 15 Transition Programs for International Students We offer four programs designed to help international students transition into life at MCPHS. International Transition Programs | MCPHS International Student Life The MCPHS International Center is the doorway for i nternat iona l students to become act i ve members of the MCPHS commun i ty, so they can make the most of the i r exper i ence here. We connect international students to university resources, create programs to enhance student learning and development, and serve as advocates for international students across campus. International Student Experiences | MCPHS International Admission Counselors Our counselors are ready to help you. International Counselors | MCPHS We offer up to $18,000 per year in renewable merit-based scholarships. Take a look at our International Viewbook to learn more about what the international student experience is like at MCPHS. »Find the right fit for you, explore our programs »Ready to take the next step? International Applicants | MCPHS

17 16 Samarth Bhatia is a bachelor student studying at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. We spoke to Samarth for his insights into majoring in Artificial Intelligence. What made you want to study AI? I’ve always been fascinated by consumer technology and its potential to shape the future. The rapid advancements in AI and its applications across various industries convinced me that studying AI could provide me with a well-rounded education that equips me to understand both technical and business aspects of AI implementation. Are you happy with your decision to study AI? Absolutely, I am thrilled with my decision to study AI. The interdisciplinary nature of my course, combining a major of AI with a minor in International Business, has provided me with a wellrounded education. I feel that it equips me to understand both the technical and business aspects of AI implementation. What has been the biggest challenge? One of the biggest challenges has been managing the workload and staying personally up-to-date with the fast-paced developments in AI. Balancing assignments, projects, and keeping up with the latest research requires strong time management and dedication. What has been the biggest plus? The biggest plus has been witnessing the tangible impact of AI in various industries and understanding how it can transform businesses and societies. This reinforces my belief in the potential of AI and keeps me motivated to continue learning and unlearning. Where do you see the future of AI in education? In education, AI has the potential to revolutionize personalized learning by adapting content to individual student needs. They can self-access, learn a new language, or even get assistance in everyday tasks such as making schedules, finding exam timetables, setting trip itineraries, etc. Additionally, it can assist teachers in automating administrative tasks, allowing them to focus on teaching. In general, AI will continue to permeate various industries, enhancing efficiency, decision making, and innovation. Mastering Data Science and AI: a universit y student’s journey Are there things about AI that worry you? I do have concerns about the ethical and social implications of AI, such as bias in algorithms, retribution gap, and data privacy. It’s crucial for AI developers and policymakers to address these ethical issues responsibly. Will AI will replace jobs performed by humans? While AI has the potential to automate certain tasks, I believe its true power lies in augmenting human capabilities rather than outright replacing jobs. It can lead to the creation of new roles and industries as the Industrial Revolution did, while enhancing the productivity and creativity of human workers. An interesting question is around the ethics in situations where AI is doing the job. For example, if a self- driving car using AI gets into an accident, whose fault is it? Is it the driver’s fault, the engineer’s, or the car company’s? What is something about AI that you did not fully appreciate before? Before studying AI, I did not fully grasp the complexity and diversity of AI applications. It is not just about creating human-like robots; AI is integrated into everyday technologies, from a simple YouTube algorithm’s recommendation system to complex medical diagnostics. Where do you see yourself after university? After university, I envision myself working at the intersection of AI and International Business, possibly in roles such as AI strategy consultant, AI product manager, or even as an entrepreneur. I want to leverage AI to drive innovation and create positive change in various industries on a global scale. Some newer jobs such as AI ethicists or AI digital transformation managers will definitely be created in the future, and I would envision myself landing these roles. What’s your advice for students interested in pursuing this major ? My advice would be to foster a strong foundation in programming. It is also crucial to stay curious and constantly seek opportunities to learn, whether through online courses, internships, or personal projects. Additionally, developing communication and collaboration skills will be beneficial, as AI often involves working in interdisciplinary teams.” joring In AI: A Bachelor St dent’ Thoughts

19 18 At the star t of the 20th centur y there were fewer than 2 billion people. Now at over 7 billion, Ear th’s population is on target to reach 8 billion by 2027. Building Knowledge for a Better World How has this dramatic increase in human population impacted Earth’s life support systems and natural resources? How should we understand the meaning of sustainability? How do we achieve a sustainable society where ever y human and animal can prosper? How do environmental issues disproportionately impact communities with high poverty? How does a focus on climate justice help effectively address environmental problems? These are ver y big questions and ver y complex topics to cover. The Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges Bachelor’s programme at Leiden University College in The Hague, The Netherlands operates at the forefront of the field where these complex societal issues from the 21st centur y are tackled. The international honours college of Leiden University aims to build knowledge for a better world, through a community that is focused on societal impact. LUC focusses on the Global Challenges of the 21st centur y : Sustainability, Diversity, Prosperity and, Peace and Justice. Global Challenges are unavoidable issues facing humanity and the planet. They cannot be solved by one nation, institution or organisation alone. In this interdisciplinar y 3- year bachelor’s programme you learn to analyze, understand and respond to these issues with a balance between understanding key concepts within a classroom setting, and applying the gained knowledge and skills in real-life situations. About Leiden University College The Hague 6 interdisciplinar y Majors 10 times winner top-rated programme 50 different nationalities 1 Residential college in The Hague, The Netherlands 4 Global Challenges 600 students at LUC in total Get to know us on

21 20 Pick your major LUC Majors Are you interested and want more information? Join LUC The Hague on: Cont a c t u s Are you interested in the environment, climate change, and alternative energy strategies? Go for the Ear th, Energy and Sustainability Major. Rather focus international justice, world politics, cultural diversity, socio-economic integration, health, decision-making processes or human security? LUC has a major that suits you! Within the flexible and inter-disciplinar y curriculum it offers six Majors, three of them leading to a Bachelor of Science and three to a Bachelor of Arts: After completing the 1st year of the programme, you will continue your studies in your selected Major where you design your own programme by choosing courses in specific tracks within your Major, and adding to them with electives. In this way you create your own path to match your personal interests and ambitions! BSc. Ear th, Energy and Sustainability BSc. Governance, Economics and Development BSc. Global Public Health BA Culture, Histor y and Society BA International Justice BA World Politics

23 22 In the pursuit of higher education, students often find themselves at a crossroads, torn between the desire for theoretical knowledge and the practical skills that future employers demand. Why choose when you can do both? SHL Schweizerische Hotelfachschule Luzern - one of the two original hotel management schools in Switzerland - has successfully integrated hands-on experiences and practical internships into their curriculum since its beginnings in 1909. It offers its students a fantastic opportunity to bridge the gap between academic skills and practical exposure - and thus greater employability after graduation. Let’s explore the importance of gaining practical work experience during your studies, focusing on the practice-oriented approach taken by SHL in Switzerland.

25 24 From Campus to the World: The Freedom to Choose SHL students benefit from the free choice of company and destination for their internships. This flexibility empowers students to explore the world during their studies, enabling them to immerse themselves in diverse cultures, gain insights into varied hospitality practices, and get to know different businesses. These experiences not only enrich their education but also provide valuable insights into potential career paths, helping them make informed decisions about their future work preferences. Whether it's working at a luxury resort in the Swiss Alps or experiencing the vibrant hospitality scene in Asia, SHL students have the opportunity to customise their internships to align with their career goals and personal interests. Also, the practical internships help students put their learning into action, Learning by Doing: SHL's Practical Approach At SHL, students are not just confined to classrooms and textbooks. They are actively engaged in gaining practical experience right from day one. The institution boasts an educational restaurant on campus which serves as a training ground where students can hone their culinary and service excellence skills. Moreover, SHL's management classes are designed with an applicationoriented approach. Students delve into case studies and simulations that mirror real industry scenarios, empowering them to apply their theoretical knowledge to practical challenges. This unique blend of academic rigour and hands-on experience ensures that SHL graduates are well-prepared to excel in the practical internships that follow the school semesters - and in the ever-changing world of hospitality. «PRACTICAL INTERNSHIPS GIVE YOU THE CHANCE TO LEARN ABOUT OTHER CULTURES, CHALLENGE YOURSELF AND BUILD A GLOBAL NETWORK.» Lukas, SHL Student SHL students Lukas (picture on the left) and Fabiana expanding their networks and making new friends during their practical internships. Comprehensive Support for Student Internships While SHL students relish the freedom to select their internships, the institution offers proactive assistance in securing the ideal placement. SHL has fostered an extensive global network of industry partners, affording students access to a wide-ranging array of internship opportunities in Switzerland and abroad. These partners actively promote their openings on SHL's online job market and periodically visit the SHL campus, engaging with students during career days. Moreover, personal coaching is available to accompany and support students in their career decisions. This comprehensive system ensures that students have the resources and guidance they need to make the most of their practical internships and launch their careers successfully. allowing them to see the connections between the different subjects they've studied. It's not just about mastering individual skills; it's about understanding how these skills integrate to create exceptional guest experiences and successful businesses. And a clear plus of the paid internships: students not only gain valuable insights into working life, they also earn their own money. «THE INTERNSHIPS GIVE ME THE OPPORTUNITY TO GET A TASTE OF DIFFERENT COMPANIES, WHICH HELPS ME DECIDE WHERE I WANT TO WORK IN THE FUTURE.» Focus on Practice - the Bridge to Future Success Studies have consistently shown that students who gain work experience during their studies are more employable after graduation and obtain higher starting salaries. According to the LinkedIn Opportunity Index, an overwhelming 82% of hiring managers and an impressive 91% of talent professionals consider internships to be a pivotal factor when evaluating a candidate's employability. Employers view internship experiences as a reliable indicator of a candidate's readiness for the workforce. In conclusion, the importance of gaining practical work experience during your studies cannot be overstated, especially in fields like hospitality management. SHL's emphasis on practice equips students with the skills, confidence, and industry-specific knowledge that employers value, as well as the tools they need to succeed in their future careers. With the commitment to real-world learning, SHL Schweizerische Hotelfachschule Luzern empowers its students to thrive in a competitive global industry. SHL Schweizerische Hotelfachschule Luzern is one of the two original Swiss hotel management schools in Switzerland and offers a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management which is accredited by the Swiss federal government and recognised worldwide as well as the Swiss Diploma «Dipl. Hotelier(e)- Gastronom(in) HF». Fabiana, SHL Student Join SHL student Olivia on her practical internship at the luxurious Bürgenstock Hotels & Resorts, Switzerland. > __

27 26 AI - A Catalyst For Chemical Engineering From designing blueprints for expansive chemical factories to harnessing the power of molecules, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is helping chemistry research evolve at an unprecedented pace. We spoke to Sam Andersson who recently explored the intersection of AI and Chemical Engineering in his master’s project for Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London. Q: What’s Chemistry v.s. Chemical Engineering? A chemist primarily focuses on studying the composition, properties, and reactions of substances at a molecular level to expand scientific knowledge. In contrast, a chemical engineer applies principles of chemistry and engineering to design and optimize processes for large-scale production, ensuring efficiency, profitability, and safety. Basically, a chemist figures out how to make a chemical in the lab, and a chemical engineer figures out how to make it at scale, reliably and economically. Q: How much chemistry is in chemical engineering? Surprisingly, not as much as you might think. Chemical engineering is like a fusion of physics, optimization, and problem-solving. It involves surprisingly little chemistry, given that the word chemistry is in the name! Q: How did you come to do this research project? As part of the integrated master’s degree, students must complete a final-year research project. We teamed up to research how AI could be used to streamline the intricate process of flow sheet synthesis, a central task in chemical engineering. Q: How can AI be of use in chemical engineering? I just want to be perfectly clear here that I'm not an AI researcher and I'm not yet a chemical engineer. I have a master’s in chemical engineering, but you need experience to say you are a chemical engineer. However, to answer your question, chemistry could be described as a graph; a molecule can be seen as a network. AI can make predictions regarding graphs and networks. It is a great way of predicting the complex properties of a molecule network. Cartoon by Avish Vijayaraghavan - PhD Candidate in AI for Healthcare

29 28 Q: So where do you see it really helping in the future? AI is already helping us to discover molecules faster. We may be able to skip a lot of the research and development. The difficulty is starting from scratch. This is where AI is promising. Imagine being able to start with an informal request such as, “I want to make chemical X. I have access to these chemicals at these prices, so make me an initial conceptual design and give me many different ideas.” Once you have something, then we already have very rigorous techniques to optimize things. Q: How did you start your AI project? At Imperial College, we have 3 months to pursue a research project. You are supposed to choose from set projects, but a friend and I wanted to do our own. We built an interdisciplinary proposal. Initially, we were discouraged from doing a project such as this, but we were quite committed to it. Fortunately, there was a professor in the AI group in Chemical Engineering who knew us from previous work done with him. We spoke to him. We said, “Hey, if we specify all of our options as your projects then, if we get you, can we just do our own thing?” Luckily, he said yes. We were very grateful for that. Q; How did you find working in independent research? It was quite an adventure. We became completely obsessed about it for those three months. We called it the “mind virus” because we could not think of anything else during that time. We contacted a bunch of researchers in the field, and we went over to Cambridge to talk to people. That was quite exciting. We knew a bit about machine learning by then, but we learned a lot more by completing the project. Learning how to implement complicated maths involves a lot of failures, headscratching, and searching for answers. But I'm happy about that because then we actually learned how to learn stuff. That was one of the great things about that project. Q: What initially sparked your interest in doing a deep dive into AI? When I was in high school, and I came across a YouTube video channel called 3Blue1Brown by Grant Sanderson. These videos explain what a neural network is and give a beautiful visual explanation. I encourage high school students to watch this themselves. However, it is important to watch his linear algebra series first though. But I would caution them that you can leave that being naively convinced that you know everything. You won’t, but naivete is very useful to make you go further. It’s very exciting and gives you enough energy to keep moving forward in your learning. Q: What are your excitements and concerns for our future with AI? I think that the future is in our hands, and it is bimodal. What we do has great potential in both directions. I am very excited, but I am concerned about the use of AI in mass weapons. I’m also afraid of large language models being used for controlling sentiment on political policies and even simpler models controlling public sentiment on ideas. On the other hand, it brings extreme power to the individual. What used to take 100 people now takes 10, and that group of 10 people can be very agile. Q: Final Thoughts? The real value of these tools is knowing where to use them and when to use them. A lot of these techniques have been around for ages, and they’re being repackaged. Deep learning is sort of a subset of those techniques that has advanced significantly. If you are interested in AI, then learn by doing a project that you're interested in. Then you're going to be much more willing to learn those things. I think that this is what high schoolers need to do. Start with “why” and then that leads into the “how” and the “what”. In many classrooms right now we'll have students learning calculus or precalculus and they're like “why am I doing this and when am I ever going to use this?” If you start by seeing something cool and want to learn how to do that cool thing, then you are going to move through your learning quickly and thoroughly. You will have a reason to learn. Right now, you can learn almost anything with ChatGPT. Suddenly the barriers to learning are way lower because you have a personal tutor. It’s exciting. Here is Sam’s full project on AI for Chemical Process Development. Right now, you can learn almost anything with Chat GPT. Suddenly the barriers to learning are way lower because you have a personal tutor. It’s exciting.

31 30 Find yourself, push yourself, be yourself. Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management Sam’s Advice On How To Get Started in AI Then you must start doing. The fastest way to learn is by doing. A course can give you an overview but ultimately you only understand something once you’ve done it yourself. But don’t let that fool you into thinking that you know what you’re doing. There will still be much more to learn. Watch Grant Sanderson’s 3Blue1Brown videos. Watch Linear Algebra and then Neural Networks. It’s important to watch his linear algebra series before doing anything. DO NOT SKIP IT. These will give you an informative yet entertaining explanation of a neural network, or in other words, AI. Get GPT-4 and Visual Studio Code. Then ask Chat CPT4 to help you install Visual Studio Code (VS Code). This is a source-code editor where you do coding, and VS code is the most popular code editor for a variety of programs and languages. Get GPT-4 to create you a course to learn python. Ask Chat GPT4, to create a course for you. You can ask it to create a syllabus, tell it how long you have to learn, e.g. six months, and to create a daily lesson plan to reach your goal in that time frame. Work through the course. Get GPT-4 to ask you questions, and show you the answers. Be sure to clarify anything you don’t understand e.g. ask it to comment on exactly what each step does. You can ask it so explain at different levels e.g. explain it as if I am a beginner. What you need to really start learning AI is a strong foundation in linear algebra and maybe some vector calculus. If you can learn some statistics, then you have more than enough to get started. After that, it’s about learning to code in Python and there are loads of resources for doing this. Basically, you have to get to the point where you can start to understand and implement research papers.

33 32 Our Pillars TECHNOLOGICAL IMMERSION AND A CULTURE OF INNOVATION At IE University our students are immersed in a technologically innovative environment, preparing them to take a leadership role in the modern world ’s new digitally transformed landscape. ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET IE University breeds entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, creating an ecosystem that expands far beyond the confines of the campus, where students and graduates can grow and develop their innovative startups. THE LENS OF THE HUMANITIES IE University understands the Humanities are key in understanding the reality of our world, applying key critical-thinking skills to complex, global challenges. A DIVERSE EXPERIENCE Diversity is at the heart of who we are. Our rich mix of nationalities, ideas and perspectives make up the fabric of IE University. With students, graduates and professors from more than 160 countries, our campus is a truly international hub. DISCOVER MORE We train the future, the future is yours IE UNIVERSITY IS AN INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTION WITH A PRACTICE-BASED APPROACH THAT GOES BEYOND THE CLASSROOM WALLS. Based in Spain, IE University has an urban campus in Madrid and a historic and cultural campus in Segovia. All our programs are taught in English, though students will also have the opportunity to learn Spanish with their peers and through complementary language courses. The student body is made up of over 130 nationalities and 75% of the student body is international. At IE University, students can personalize their programs through electives and advanced seminars that complement their interests to build their own academic journeys. We have strategic exchange partnerships with over 200 universities around the world. Q5 World University Rankings International 2023 Times Higher Education Rankings 2022 International Students Global Employabiliy Ranking European European Global Global Diego Rubio Gutierrez Business Administration Student, IE Entrepreneurs Club President At the Entrepreneurship Club, we strive to be the main gateway for students to achieve their entrepreneurial dreams through our events, connections, and guidance. As a student club, we’ve had nothing but the full support of IE University and complete faith in our vision to succeed.” CHECK OUT OUR VIRTUAL CAMPUS TOURS #1 #7 #5 #19

35 34 Pre College Activities IE University has helped me put my passions into practice. I’ve been able to explore more and find sources to work in these areas. Emily Swann Dual Degree in Laws and International Relations At IE University we are committed to providing an academically rigorous educational experience, using an innovative and practical methodology. We offer pre-university students the chance to experience practical and experiential learning with programs designed specifically for them. DISCOVER MORE Dual Degrees Business Administration & Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Business Administration & Data and Business Analytics Business Administration & Design Business Administration & Fashion Business Administration & Humanities Business Administration & International Relations Business Administration & Laws Economics & Applied Mathematics Economics & International Relations Laws & International Relations Philosophy, Politics, Law and Economics & Data and Business Analytics Undergraduate programs FIND OUT MORE FIND US ON @ieu_admissions @ieuniversity Applied Mathematics Architectural Studies Behavior and Social Sciences Business Administration Communication and Digital Media Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Data and Business Analytics Design Economics Environmental Sciences for Sustainability Fashion Design Humanities International Relations Laws Philosophy, Politics, Law and Economics

37 36 Data scientists aim to uncover patterns within mountains of data. It's about wielding the power of technology and statistics to transform raw information into actionable insights to drive innovation and informed decision-making in our data-driven world. Paul Gailey, studying his Master’s of Data Science at King’s College London, shares his journey into the world of AI and sheds light on the dynamic relationship between these two fields. Data Science and AI: A Symbiotic Relationship "When it comes to Data Science and AI, it's all about the fundamentals," Paul says. In his master’s program, he delves into the core principles, including big data management, data quality assessment, statistics, and the critical evaluation of AI models. Data Science, he notes, provides a holistic view of data, with machine learning as a key component. How social media algorithms led to studying AI Paul’s journey into the world of AI began with a fascination for data. “I’ve always had this obsession for data,” he admits. But, Paul’s specific interest in AI had a surprising origin – social media. “I installed TikTok and I was immediately hooked.” After a couple of months of spending too much time on TikTok, he realized that most likely, this was harmful to himself, so he deleted it. It was his realization of the machine learning algorithms behind his social media addiction that prompted him to explore AI’s potential for responsible use. “My interest in AI comes from my belief that it can be used in a safe and trusted manner.” Eventually, he realized that Data Science was his calling. Math Matters: The Foundation of AI Studies Paul loves math, which is good, because mathematics is undeniably vital in the world of AI. "You should be quite comfortable with statistics and calculus," he says. In high school, Paul studied HL IB Mathematics. At university he completed engineering math and physics before starting this master’s degree. He acknowledges that math is an integral part of the AI field, and it can become complex and non-intuitive, but he tells students not to be discouraged. AI: should we see it as a threat? Regarding the ongoing debate about the pros and cons of AI, Paul identifies as an optimist. Paul feels that AI is a tool, not a threat. “I'm an optimist, so I naturally see all the positives of AI.” In his work in the field of big data, he has harnessed the power of AI to automate many tasks, allowing him to work more efficiently while maintaining the quality of his work. "AI has the power to automate tasks, analyze large sets of data, and even assist in complex decision-making processes," he notes enthusiastically. It’s a question of how you want to apply the technology. For me that is in safe and trusted deployment of the models, for others it will be applied to healthcare, transportation, etc. However, he is also cautious about the hasty application of AI without proper evaluation. "AI systems can inadvertently perpetuate biases, make incorrect decisions, or even cause harm," he warns. He emphasizes the need to ask the right questions before implementing AI solutions. "AI can't be critical of itself, and I don't think it ever will be," he asserts. He recommends reading The AI Delusion by Gary Smith for those concerned about AI's impact on job prospects. Paul’s message is clear: AI is a powerful tool that, when wielded responsibly, can transform industries and make the world a better place. AI in Action: Working at a new, innovative Startup Paul's exploration of AI doesn't stop at his studies. He has joined a startup that focuses on utilizing AI models, such as Large Language Models, to enable users to interact with their utility bills in multiple languages. Additionally, the startup aims to help users optimize their energy usage by suggesting the most cost-effective times to run appliances, or automatically switching to renewable energy sources when available. "We are trying to build a user-friendly interface for both consumers and utility companies," Paul states. Paul’s journey from a student who loved math in high school to harnessing AI in optimize utilities, highlights the varied opportunities in a career involving AI. Mastering Data Science and AI: a universit y student’s journey

39 38 BUCKNELL .EDU/ INTERNATIONAL ADMISSIONS // BUCKNELL UNIVERSIT Y, ONE DENT DRIVE, LEWISBURG, PA 17837, USA Br ing your natura l cur iosit y to Bucknel l Universit y in Pennsylvania, where you’l l meet world-class facult y and study in leading-edge lab spaces. Here, you can develop a way to filter harmful carbon out of the air, slowing the spread of global warming. Or design a computer program that eliminates a chronic disease. Or invent a cheaper way to bring clean water to communities in need. From here, anything is possible.

41 40 BUCKNELL .EDU/ INTERNATIONAL ADMISSIONS // BUCKNELL UNIVERSIT Y, ONE DENT DRIVE, LEWISBURG, PA 17837, USA WHO WE ARE • Bucknell is an innov ative Universit y ba sed in the liber al ar ts . We have three colleges: the College of Ar ts & Sciences, the College of Engineering and the Freeman College of Management • With 65 majors and more than 70 minors, we help you explore many different interests, meaning you’ll gr aduate with an arr ay of in- demand skills . • We have a 9 -to -1 student-facult y ratio and average class size of 20. That means our professors will know you and suppor t you in ever y a spec t of your education. • With more than 200 student clubs, you’ll discover something ama zing ever y day of the week and make lifelong friends . • Bucknell ’s housing and dining options are designed to make you feel at home. At Bucknell, we support our students as they explore their intellectual curiosity, and we empower them to become innovators in whatever field they choose. It starts in the classroom, where our world-class professors personally guide discovery in small groups. But it doesn’t end there. We are a living-learning community where students explore the ideas and theories they’re passionate about. This happens in laboratories, residence hall lounges, the local community and study-abroad programs around the world. It’s why our students graduate ready to make a difference and shape the world they live in. GO BE YOND THE CL AS SROOM AND E XPERIENCE THE RE A L WORLD Learn more at InternationalStudents Li s ten to Our Podcas t Get your advice straight from the source: the admissions counselors who actually read student applications. In each 30-minute episode of College Admissions Insider, our biweekly podcast, students and families get timely, relevant advice. Listen at or wherever you get your podcasts. Read Our B log On our blog, we answer the questions students ask most. Will applying undecided hur t my chances? Should I use the Common App or the Coalition App? What makes an essay stand out? Visit for these answers and many more. SUPPORT FOR YOUR COLLEGE SEARCH COLLEGE ADMISSIONS INSIDER PODCAST ADMISSIONS BLOG

43 42 Experience Everything. Miss Nothing. Northeastern University is a top-ranked research university recognized as a global leader in experience-powered education. For more than 100 years, Northeastern has pioneered a learning model rooted in engagement with the world. #1 for Co-ops and Internships (U.S. News & World Report, 2023) 97% of 2022 graduates are working full time or enrolled in graduate school within nine months of graduation You’re empowered to pair rigorous academics with immersive learning experiences relevant to your academic path. The university’s strong network of campuses, partnerships, and alumni creates plenty of opportunities for you to pursue your passions and impact the world.

45 44 C O N N E C T W I T H U S Want to know more about Northeastern? Join our mailing list for the latest updates on campus visit opportunities, special events, and virtual programming for students that want to run with the pack. Stay in Touch › Visit campus. Register for an information session and a tour of one of our undergraduate campuses for a firsthand look at life as a Husky. › Check out events. Join our mailing list to receive updates on special events held on our campuses and in cities and towns across the globe. › Plug into Northeastern. Sign up for interactive virtual events hosted by university representatives and get your questions answered. Get in Touch Learn More Academics Are O N LY T H E B E G I N N I N G Northeastern blends rigorous academics and innovation at its academic colleges, which operate across our undergraduate campus network. The knowledge and experiences you’ll gain by applying your classroom learning to the real world will arm you with the skills you need to thrive at Northeastern and beyond. Our colleges include: › Bouvé College of Health Sciences › College of Arts, Media and Design › College of Engineering › College of Science › College of Social Sciences and Humanities › D’Amore-McKim School of Business › Khoury College of Computer Sciences › Mills College at Northeastern University Explore Your Options Not ready to declare a major? The Explore Program and Discover Oakland program for undeclared students gives you more time to consider all the academic, co-op, and career opportunities throughout the Northeastern network before choosing a major. Unique resources for undeclared students include: › Dedicated advisors help you choose a major and navigate Northeastern. › Peer mentors across our various majors and colleges. › Networking events featuring faculty, students, advisors, and alumni. › A first-year seminar course that connects fellow undeclared students. Flexible Options. ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES. Find Your Path NUpath aims to give students the knowledge and skills to be lifelong learners and grow as global citizens to prepare you for personal success regardless of your chosen field of study. And, it offers you the flexibility to personalize your course schedule. Explore to see how far you can go. Accelerate Your Future Want to get a head start on earning your graduate degree? Pursue a PlusOne program, which allows you to complete a bachelor’s and master’s degree in five years—all while still enjoying the benefits of Northeastern’s experiential learning opportunities. Visit to put your future in motion.