September 2023

69 68 Bishop’s creates a unique social environment for its students, one that fosters personal growth. This supportive atmosphere nurtures students, and helps transform them into confident and skilled leaders, ready to make a difference in this world. Outside of class, students get very involved in campus life, which creates a wonderful sense of community. A plethora of activities and facilities exist both on campus and in the general area. A newly renovated recreation and athletics facility, over 120 km of hiking and biking trails, plus two theatres, art gallery, music recital and practice facilities, convenience store, bookstore, cafes, two libraries, seven residences, medical clinic, and much more. If you are looking for an educational experience that is engaging, personal and transformational, look no further than Bishop’s University. Wi t h app rox imat e l y 2 , 900 st udent s rep resent i ng nea r l y 80 count r i es , we of fe r a l ea r n i ng env i ronment whe re c l asses a re i nt imat e , and st udent s rece i ve pe rsona l i zed at t ent i on f rom t he i r p rofesso rs . We a re an Eng l i sh un i ve rs i t y i n a F rench commun i t y so while students do not need to know a word of French, our environment offers the ability to learn, enhance or become fully bilingual in both languages. Be Curious. Be Purple. BU.