September 2023

17 16 Samarth Bhatia is a bachelor student studying at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. We spoke to Samarth for his insights into majoring in Artificial Intelligence. What made you want to study AI? I’ve always been fascinated by consumer technology and its potential to shape the future. The rapid advancements in AI and its applications across various industries convinced me that studying AI could provide me with a well-rounded education that equips me to understand both technical and business aspects of AI implementation. Are you happy with your decision to study AI? Absolutely, I am thrilled with my decision to study AI. The interdisciplinary nature of my course, combining a major of AI with a minor in International Business, has provided me with a wellrounded education. I feel that it equips me to understand both the technical and business aspects of AI implementation. What has been the biggest challenge? One of the biggest challenges has been managing the workload and staying personally up-to-date with the fast-paced developments in AI. Balancing assignments, projects, and keeping up with the latest research requires strong time management and dedication. What has been the biggest plus? The biggest plus has been witnessing the tangible impact of AI in various industries and understanding how it can transform businesses and societies. This reinforces my belief in the potential of AI and keeps me motivated to continue learning and unlearning. Where do you see the future of AI in education? In education, AI has the potential to revolutionize personalized learning by adapting content to individual student needs. They can self-access, learn a new language, or even get assistance in everyday tasks such as making schedules, finding exam timetables, setting trip itineraries, etc. Additionally, it can assist teachers in automating administrative tasks, allowing them to focus on teaching. In general, AI will continue to permeate various industries, enhancing efficiency, decision making, and innovation. Mastering Data Science and AI: a universit y student’s journey Are there things about AI that worry you? I do have concerns about the ethical and social implications of AI, such as bias in algorithms, retribution gap, and data privacy. It’s crucial for AI developers and policymakers to address these ethical issues responsibly. Will AI will replace jobs performed by humans? While AI has the potential to automate certain tasks, I believe its true power lies in augmenting human capabilities rather than outright replacing jobs. It can lead to the creation of new roles and industries as the Industrial Revolution did, while enhancing the productivity and creativity of human workers. An interesting question is around the ethics in situations where AI is doing the job. For example, if a self- driving car using AI gets into an accident, whose fault is it? Is it the driver’s fault, the engineer’s, or the car company’s? What is something about AI that you did not fully appreciate before? Before studying AI, I did not fully grasp the complexity and diversity of AI applications. It is not just about creating human-like robots; AI is integrated into everyday technologies, from a simple YouTube algorithm’s recommendation system to complex medical diagnostics. Where do you see yourself after university? After university, I envision myself working at the intersection of AI and International Business, possibly in roles such as AI strategy consultant, AI product manager, or even as an entrepreneur. I want to leverage AI to drive innovation and create positive change in various industries on a global scale. Some newer jobs such as AI ethicists or AI digital transformation managers will definitely be created in the future, and I would envision myself landing these roles. What’s your advice for students interested in pursuing this major ? My advice would be to foster a strong foundation in programming. It is also crucial to stay curious and constantly seek opportunities to learn, whether through online courses, internships, or personal projects. Additionally, developing communication and collaboration skills will be beneficial, as AI often involves working in interdisciplinary teams.” joring In AI: A Bachelor St dent’ Thoughts