April 2022

A s a top - t ier research uni ver si t y, Arizona of fer s a premiere academic experience. Choose from hundreds of major s and minor s whi le learning from facul t y who are leader s in their f ields. Your professor s, adv isor s, and career coaches are f irml y commi t ted to your success and wi th you ever y s tep of the way. degreesearch.arizona.edu Get invol ved, make new friends, and f lex your leader ship ski lls in one of our clubs and organizat ions. And as a s tudent at a Pac-12 uni ver si t y, you won’ t want to miss a chance to cheer on s tudent- athletes from the ZonaZoo, one of the nat ion’s larges t (and loudes t ) s tudent sec t ions. arizona.edu/student- life “My favorite thing about the university is that there are plenty of events and opportunities for everyone. It is a very diverse place that feels very welcoming.” — SALLY, PHYSIOLOGY & MEDICAL SCIENCES 300+ MA JORS 15: 1 UNDE RGR ADUATE STUDENT-TO - FACULT Y R ATIO 23 ON - CAMPUS DORMS TOP 20 PUBLIC RESE ARCH I NSTITUTION N AT I O N A L S C I E N C E F O U N DAT I O N 9 OUT 10 OF WI LDCATS RECE IVE F I NANCIAL AI D “ “ WILDCATS SAY say WILDCATS