April 2022

NEXT STOP : DREAM JOB Roll up your sleeves and put your classroom knowledge to work whi le bui lding ski lls that wi ll impress future employer s. Our Student Engagement and Career Development team wi ll connec t you wi th oppor tuni t ies to upgrade your major through internships, research projec t s, clubs, volunteering, and other s. career.arizona.edu TUCSON – THE COL L EGE TOWN OF YOUR DREAMS Our laid - back hometown of fer s sunny weather, breathtaking landscapes, and some of the bes t res taurant s for any appet i te. Fall in love wi th i t s charac ter, f ind your favori te hangout s, and feel the love from locals who embrace the uni ver si t y jus t as much as you do. visit tucson.org F I NANC I AL A I D Our Of f ice of Scholar ships and Financial Aid works to help you cover the cos t of educat ion wi th scholar ships, grant s, loans, work- s tudy, and more. And I f you meet cer tain requirement s, you may qual i f y for meri t- based scholar ships to help fund your educat ion. f inancialaid.arizona.edu P LAN A V I S I T The bes t way to pic ture your sel f here is by planning a v isi t . During a tour, you can chat wi th current s tudent s, learn about our his tor y and t radi t ions, and fall in love wi th our beaut i ful campus. admissions.arizona.edu/visit CONNECT WI TH US uazadmissions universityofarizona uarizona Find your per sonal Uni ver si t y of Arizona contac t at go.arizona.edu/f ind- recruiter OF F I CE OF ADM I SS I ONS PO Box 210073, Tuc son, A Z 85721 - 0073 520.621 . 3237 | admissions.arizona.edu WHAT YOU ’ L L NE ED TO APP LY 4 4 years of English 4 4 years of mathematic s 4 3 years of lab science 4 2 years of the same second language 4 2 years of social sciences (1 year of American histor y) 4 1 year of f ine ar t s or 1 year of career and technical education (CTE) Find core cour sework requirement s at go.arizona.edu/coursework- requirement s I f you’re in the top 25% of your class and have completed the core requirement s or have a 3.0 unweighted core GPA at your six th semes ter, you’re assured admission to the uni ver si t y. App l icant s mus t have an unweighted overal l grade point average of 2.0 (A = 4 .0) in each subjec t area and may have up to t wo def iciencies . Student s may not have def iciencies in bot h ma t h and labora tor y science or in t he same subjec t area. App l icant s who have gradua ted f rom high school one year or more before enrol l ing a t t he Uni ver si t y of Ar izona and did not a t tend any higher educa t ion ins t i tu t ions af ter high school wi l l be evalua ted for admi ssion based on t hei r eight h semes ter unweighted core GPA . “Finding ways to pay for college can be very daunting. Thankfully, the University of Arizona provides so many resources to give you opportunities to make it work.” —MARY, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING “ “ WILDCATS SAY say WILDCATS