April 2022

The world of work is changing rapidly. This has influenced what employers are looking for when they hire. Over the last two years, people found themselves working from their kitchen, their living rooms, or from their favorite beach! Technology and virtual meetings made this possible. These changes mean that employers are looking for new traits when they hire staff. Here are the traits that worldwide recruiting company Adecco believes are the most important for job applicants in 2022 and beyond. And it is not just employers - admissions officers are looking for these too! Flexibility No matter the industry, the ability to work flexibliy as part of a team with a sense of responsibility and determination is critical. The classic "9 to 5" solution is changing, and many people want to continue the environmental and time flexibility they have recently had. Emotional intelligence Recognizing and regulating your emotions and responding to the feelings of others appropriately is even more critical in a remote environment. Interpersonal skills are vitally important in the professional world. Problem-solving In times of rapid change, new solutions are needed. Employers are looking for people who think quickly and keep an open mind. Willingness to learn We live in a world where demands, tasks and tools are changing quickly. For employees, this means being willing to learn or finding yourself left behind. Critical thinking This has become a hugely important skill in recent years. You have probably seen how difficult it is to separate facts from opinion, or worse, targeted disinformation. Thinking critically and analytically is important. Communication skills Communication is the basis for success with colleagues and customers. Now, because so many meetings are no longer face-to-face, clear communication is even more important, especially in written form. Creativity This is an area machines can't compete with yet. It is a necessesary skill for generating new ideas or brainstorming. It is something that can be encouraged and learned. Resistance to stress If your work is stressful and unpredictable, it's useful to be able to organise yourself independently. Employers want people who can plan tasks, deadlines, and processes as efficiently as possible. Additionally, employees say well-being is very important to them. They will be looking for ways to create a good work-life balance and ways to reduce stress. What this means for you Think about how you can show the ways you have developed these traits through your learning, extra-curricular activities and experiences. Don’t forget to document your experiences as you go. That way, you will be ready for new challenges and successful applications to work or further education. What are employers looking for?