April 2022

Jayce thinks it does because it is the job he carved out for himself as an award winning documentary filmmaker. To do this, Jayce forged his path and seized opportunities. That is not for everyone, but Jayce’s adventurous spirit always meant that he was going to follow his passion. And his passion is for descriptive storytelling. He tells the stories of artists, craftspeople, musicians, and anyone interesting he meets along the way. People and their stories have always fascinated Jayce. “I like people a lot. I am extroverted to a fault.” It made sense to him to use visual narratives to explore their stories. As a documentary maker, you need to have the ability to highlight ideas from different angles and find stories in unexpected places. Jayce’s Third Culture Kid experience was perfect training. “I was born in Alberta, Canada, but grew up in Russia and Saudi Arabia.” This gave Jayce an open-minded approach to life. took the offer and spent the next five years learning on the job. The lessons he learned were invaluable. But slowly, his dream job began to feel like a “real grind.” Jayce had his own distinct vision for what documentary film-making could be. He wanted to try doing things his own way, but felt his job did not allow him to do so. Jayce knew he wanted something different. He enjoyed working with clients and the management that went along with documentary making and commercial work. But following his vision meant taking a new path into unknown territory. He had to have faith in himself. The idea of running his own production company was liberating. But it was also terrifying. However, he said his family’s moral support helped him a lot. “My parent’s belief in me made my purchase of equipment and risks feel less intense.” He started off small. As an independent After high school, Jayce said he wasn’t ready to go straight to university. “At that time, all I wanted to do was play guitar, travel, and meet girls.” So Jayce traveled and worked for a few years before he decided he was ready to study again. “I started university, and gravitated towards the arts. Especially photography, video art, and digital film production.” But advice from his teacher, Brian, is what really fired-up Jayce’s motivation. “The first day in Film Production 350 class, he told us that if we truly tried our best, embraced failures, and followed our bliss, he would give us an A.” Brian was an important mentor to Jayce as he refined his work and style. Jayce uses strong visual imagery to explore the human condition. His raw talent quickly attracted attention. While studying, he was offered a job at a large production company. Although it meant leaving his course early, it was an opportunity too good to pass. So Jayce Does getting paid to travel, capture footage, and produce documentaries sound like a great career? A day filming on the water in British Columbia Multi-media Producer: J AY C E