April 2022

Dickinson INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR $15,000 to $35,000 per year in merit scholarships, plus need-based financial aid. Major Spotlights Dickinson offers 46 majors, plus minors and certificates. Our academic program is flexible, without a restrictive set of core courses, and about 20% of students double major. DATA ANA LY T I CS Dickinson’s newest major is designed to allow future leaders to apply the power of data to the world’s most complex problems across myriad fields and experiences. And while the discipline of data analysis lies at the intersection of computer science, mathematics and statistics, the new major will feature additional multidisciplinary content to form a rigorous program that’s even more relevant to an ever-changing world. COMPUT ER SC I ENCE The Dickinson computer science curriculum emphasizes the profound ideas and techniques that enable computers to solve problems, transcending any one application or technology. As a computer science major, you’ll learn to work in teams, acquire communication skills, design software in multiple programming languages and become prepared for a life in which technology continually interacts with society. I NT ERNAT I ONA L BUS I NE S S & MANAGEMENT Dickinson is one of very few liberal-arts colleges to offer a business major. Successful business decisions demand a comprehensive understanding of our complex world with lessons taken from studies across many fields, which a liberal-arts education is best able to provide. In addition, experiential opportunities like internships and study abroad cultivate creative and critical-thinking capabilities, facility in foreign language and comfort in roles that call for leadership, teamwork, collaboration and intercultural awareness. QUANT I TAT I VE ECONOM I CS Quantitative economics applies mathematical concepts, models and theories to economic issues. This specialized field is great for students seeking careers in economics, consulting or data analysis—or anyone who wants to go on to graduate school in any of those or connected areas. Take the Next Step To learn more about Dickinson, tell us a little about you! C L I CK OR SCAN CODE C L I CK OR SCAN CODE S O O M I N K I M ’ 1 8 (South Korea; international business & management, Chinese) won the 2018 Miss Korea competition and is pursuing a master’s in journalism at Columbia University. J O O J O O C R A N ’ 1 7 (Accra, Ghana; international business & management, French & Francophone studies) is a technology consultant for Deloitte Ghana. TA O X U ’ 2 1 (Yangzhou, China; biochemistry & molecular biology, neuroscience) is pursuing a master of medical sciences in immunology at Harvard University School of Medicine. A S H I R B O R A H ’ 1 9 (Guwahati, Assam, India; math and computer science) is a computational biologist in the cancer data science program at the MIT/Harvard Broad Institute. N I C O L E TA M VA K A ’ 2 0 (Athens, Greece; neuroscience, mathematics) is pursuing a Ph.D. in neuroscience at the Mayo Clinic Graduate School for Biomedical Sciences. B E V E R L E Y- C L A I R E O K O G W U ’ 2 1 (Grenada; computer science) is a software engineer for Oracle and will pursue a master’s in computer science and robotics at Carnegie Mellon University. I NT ERNAT I ONA L S TUDENT SUCCE S S Discover what some of our grads are doing!