April 2022

documentary maker, Jayce didn’t get to work with huge budgets, so he had to rely on creativity and lean into his own visual “voice.” This offered him the freedom to choose to work on things that he cared about. He felt that was a real win. Over time, Jayce realized that the relationships he had built were the real value later in his career. “People and relationships will be your biggest asset.” This was especially true when a huge moment arrive for Jayce. National Geographic called to talk about hiring him for a project. “I thought it was a prank call because the number was from Hong Kong. It ended up being a job where he could choose his best buddies in the industry and spend two weeks working off the West coast of Canada. “We had a lot of fun.” His company, Approach Media, is now an established video production company and he no longer has to do everything alone. Jayce has a fantastic team of creatives and credits connections and relationships as the most important part of success. What advice would he give to others? “Oh man, I would say just be honest with yourself. Find something you are good at and enjoy doing. That is probably the only thing that will really captivate your energy. Don’t be afraid to take risks and have some fun with it.” Most importantly of all, Jayce says, “follow your bliss.” Want to see examples of Jayce’s work? For his demo reel and featured work go to his website at: Approach Media “Don’t be afraid to take risks and have some fun with it ... follow your bliss” Jayce at work in the Squamish Valley Jayce’s drone capturing spectacular footage of Terrace, British Columbia.