October 2021

Destination: United Kingdom Have you ever thought about studying in the UK? It’s world renowned for its quality of teaching and research. UK universities offer a huge range of interesting degree subjects that you may never have thought of studying. BY LEANDA AT MAIALEARNING UK universities offer thousands of courses from aerospace engineering to zoology. In the UK there is a course for everyone. You could jump straight into law (yes - you can study law as an undergraduate major in the UK) or study musical theater at a conservatoire. What better place to study English Literature or Anglo-Saxon & Celtic Languages? Prefer to study ethical hacking and cybersecurity? Then you can. Oxford is the oldest university in the Englishspeaking world, and Cambridge started in the 1200’s. There are also four Ancient universities in Scotland. Universities like Manchester, UCL, Durham, Aberystwyth, and King’s College London started in the 1800s. I guess this means they have learned a thing or two about teaching and world-changing research. This history set the foundation for a great university system. Maybe it is something that you could be a part of too. 1. In the UK, you apply directly to your major. You will have electives, but the focus in the UK is definitely on your major. This is great if you already know what you want to study and want to dive straight into your subject. 2. Undergraduate degrees in the UK are generally three years – except for Scotland where they are generally four years. Depending on the course and qualifications you apply with, you may be able to reach your goals faster. 3. It is a relatively simple application system. In the UK, students normally apply via UCAS - the centralized undergraduate admissions service. This means you complete one application that is then sent on to the five courses you choose. That’s right, the UK limits you to five choices! It encourages student to make good Five facts about the UK system choices. UCAS.com is a fantastic resource that covers everything you need to know about applications to the UK. 4. You can be quite independent. It is normal for UK students to cook and clean for themselves. It is also normal to live off campus with friends - especially after your first year. In the UK, you won’t get a lot of graded homework that teachers follow up on; you are more likely to get a few larger assignments, and have to manage your time well. 5. After passing your course, you are allowed to apply for a Graduate Visa. This is a two year work visa. You don’t need a sponsor, or even need to have a job to apply. If this sounds good to you, then maybe you should join more than 500,000 other international students there. Look up options in the University Search Page in MaiaLearning.