October 2021

What a long, strange year we had. It was probably not at all what you expected, and it hasn’t been pretty. But at the same time, this experience has revealed that you are able to face challenges, adapt to new systems, and show flexibility. Lockdowns may even have given you the time to start a new hobby, think about your life, and consider your dreams. Thankfully, many people are able to return to school in person. As school welcomes you back, take a moment to reflect on the fact that in-person contact with friends, people like you and some very different from you, is not something to take for granted. It is now time to get excited about your career choices, and how you can begin to create a better future. You may not know exactly what you want to do next, and that’s fine, but you should start thinking about the impact you want to have on the world. It’s time to start looking forward to the opportunities ahead, and planning how to get there. Maybe college or university is now just a year or two away, and that means it’s time to consider what’s important to you. Are you an athlete, a performer, or a future entrepreneur? What are your goals, hopes, and dreams? Which country do you want to study in? Start researching different options to find out which pathway is best for you. The more you think about your needs and goals, the more likely you are to have a great experience in this next stage of your education. Don’t confine your search to only the big “brand names”. An institution you’ve never heard of may be a perfect match for your interests, personality, and goals. And, it may be easier to get into. But well known universities got that way for a reason. Don’t think that just because they’re famous you have no chance of admission. Thousands of colleges and universities around the world are looking for students like you. Stretch your horizons and take some chances with your list. Some of them are here in MaiaZine. See what they offer. Then find them on the MaiaLearning University Search page to learn as much as you can. Welcome Back! Photo: University of Otago Registry Building in Dunedin, New Zealand