October 2021

What is a college town - Pennsylvania stuff too? IE UNIVERSITY IS AN INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTION WITH A PRACTICE-BASED APPROACH THAT GOES BEYOND THE CLASSROOM WALLS Based in Spain, IE University has an urban campus in Madrid and a historic and cultural campus in Segovia. All our programs are taught in English, though students will also have the opportunity to learn Spanish with their peers and through complementary language courses. The student body is made up of over 130 nationalities and 75% of the student body is international. At IE University, students can personalize their programs through electives and advanced seminars that complement their interests to build their own academic journeys. We have strategic exchange partnerships with over 200 universities around the world. Read more stories ) Matthaeus Widmann Undergraduate student from Italy “I like IE University because it is an excellent university that adapts quickly to changes and uses innovation to teach students the best possible way” Choose your own path to success #1 Un i ver s i ty i n Spa i n #1 0 Un i ver s i ty i n Europe #2 5 Un i ver s i ty Wor l dwi de *Times Hi gher Educat i on , Gl oba l Un i ve r s i t y Emp l oyab i l i t y Rank i ng 2020 DISCOVER MORE