October 2024

45 44 EQUIPPING THE NEXT GENERATION OF CHANGEMAKERS Justicecollege.org Justice College has the distinct goal of preparing graduates to live as change- makers for the common good, locally and globally. Each major is uniquely designed to include a concentration in global development and social justice. Our aim is to be the global center for a Christian response to is- sues of injustice, oppression, extreme poverty, and global pandemics. We are also challenging students to discover solutions to the world’s most vexing socioeconomic problems, and to promote sustainability, champion compassion, become social entrepreneurs, end exploitation, value the arts, and share the love of Christ everywhere. ABOUT US Affordable, degree-granting, , , f r r r Christian College s r Justicecollege.org Justice College has the distinct goal of preparing raduates to live as change- makers for the com on go d, locally and globally. Each major is uniquely designed to include a concentration in global development and social justice. Our aim is to be the global center for a Christian response to is- sues of injustice, op ression, extreme poverty, and global pandemics. We are also challenging students to discover solutions to the world’s most vexing socioeconomic problems, and to promote sustainability, champion compassion, become social entrepreneurs, end exploitation, value the arts, and share the love of Christ everywher . Af ordable, degre -granting, o d , e a , d hristian Col ege i t Justicecollege.org