April 2023

How to reduce food waste About one third of the waste produced in hospitality is food waste. To tackle this challenge, professional food waste management is key. During the Food & Beverage Operations semester, SHL students get to work with Kitro - a state-of-the-art solution to measure and monitor food waste. Thanks to the implementation of Kitro's Food Waste System in the training restaurant at SHL, students experience directly and exemplary the problem of «food waste». The recorded data is then analysed in class and possible optimisations are discussed. This strengthens the awareness of the issue of food waste and shows the students a very effective tool they can implement in their own businesses in the future. Knowing the origins of our food The production, transportation, and packaging of food have a significant impact on the environment. Knowing where our food comes from can help us make more environmentally conscious choices by supporting local, sustainable agriculture and reducing our carbon footprint. Also, by purchasing food from local farmers and businesses, we can support the local economy and help small-scale farmers stay in business. And last, but not least: Knowing where our food comes from can help us identify highquality, fresh ingredients. For all these reasons, SHL students visit an agricultural centre on a two-day field trip. There they experience at firsthand how strawberries, pumpkins and the like are grown and harvested, how milk is turned into cheese and meat processing takes place. «HAVING EXPERIENCED THE ORIGINS OF OUR FOOD FIRSTHAND, I APPRECIATE ITS VALUE AND QUALITY EVEN MORE THAN BEFORE.» Olivia, SHL Student management - and put what they have learned into practice: For a real-life business project, they develop a comprehensive human resources management programme and document their solutions in a detailed business plan. Innovation drives change Becoming more sustainable also means continuously coming up with innovative ways of operating. Innovation drives change by introducing new ideas, technologies, and approaches that challenge the status quo and offer new solutions to problems. In innovation classes at SHL, students learn about various tools that are designed to support them in creating innovation. The application-oriented, interactive approach that SHL accentuates also applies here: The students try out different methods to develop fresh, more sustainable products, processes or technologies for case studies in the hospitality industry. Talent management Sustainable human resources management in the hospitality industry can lead to a range of positive outcomes, including less difficulty in finding the right staff, increased employee retention, improved brand reputation, cost savings, and enhanced employee engagement. It is therefore an important part of the SHL curriculum that students learn about the goals and typical tasks of sustainable human resources «I REALLY APPRECIATE THE FACT THAT WE CAN APPLY WHAT WE LEARN IN THE FIELD OF SUSTAINABILITY 1:1.» Linking everything together Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a business approach that involves companies considering the social, economic, and environmental impacts of their operations and decisions, and taking responsibility for the effect they have on society and the environment. CSR thus brings together all aspects of a company's sustainable efforts. Accordingly, this module is the cherry on the cake of the sustainability classes at SHL - and again ends with a practice-relevant challenge: the students draw up a CSR concept that is geared to the strategy of a real hospitality company. A degree in hospitality management provides future managers, executives and entrepreneurs with a versatile range of transferrable hard and soft skills, but also clearly highlights the issue and importance of sustainability in the hospitality industry. By thoroughly training its students in sustainable practices, SHL Schweizerische Hotelfachschule Luzern prepares them to become inspiring leaders who can make a valuable contribution to a more sustainable future of the hospitality industry. SHL Schweizerische Hotelfachschule Luzern is one of the two original Swiss Hotel Management Schools in Switzerland and offers a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management which is accredited by the Swiss federal government and recognised worldwide. Samuel, SHL Student Learn more about SHL and its four-year English Bachelor programme. >