April 2023

Pick your major LUC Majors Are you interested and want more information? Join LUC The Hague on: Cont a c t u s Are you interested in the environment, climate change, and alternative energy strategies? Go for the Ear th, Energy and Sustainability Major. Rather focus international justice, world politics, cultural diversity, socio-economic integration, health, decision-making processes or human security? LUC has a major that suits you! Within the flexible and inter-disciplinar y curriculum it offers six Majors, three of them leading to a Bachelor of Science and three to a Bachelor of Arts: After completing the 1st year of the programme, you will continue your studies in your selected Major where you design your own programme by choosing courses in specific tracks within your Major, and adding to them with electives. In this way you create your own path to match your personal interests and ambitions! BSc. Ear th, Energy and Sustainability BSc. Governance, Economics and Development BSc. Global Public Health BA Culture, Histor y and Society BA International Justice BA World Politics