April 2023

OF F I CE OF UNDERGRADUAT E ADM I SS I ONS PO Box 210073, Tuc son, A Z 85721 - 0073 520.621 . 3237 | arizona.edu/admissions Find your personal Universit y of Arizona contac t at go.arizona.edu/f ind- recruiter CONNECT WI TH US uazadmissions universityofarizona uarizona AT ARIZONA.EDU/APPLY Applicants must have an unweighted overall grade point average of 2.0 (A = 4.0) in each subjec t area and may not have more than t wo def iciencies. Students may not have def iciencies in both math and laborator y science or in the same subjec t area. I f you’re in the top 25% of your class and have completed the core requirement s or have a 3.0 unweighted core GPA through your six th semester, you’re assured admission to the universit y. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS 4 YEARS OF ENGLISH 4 YEARS OF MATHEMATICS 3 YEARS OF LAB SCIENCE 2 YEARS OF THE SAME SECOND LANGUAGE 2 YEARS OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (1 YEAR OF AMERICAN HISTORY) 1 YEAR OF FINE ARTS OR 1 YEAR OF CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) WILDCATS START YOUR JOURNEY TODAY P LAN A V I S I T The sight s, the people, the feeling you get on campus – the bes t way to pic ture yourself here is by planning a visit . Chat with current s tudent s, learn about our his tor y and tradit ions, and fall in love with our beaut iful campus. arizona.edu/visit IN ACTION Compost Cats is a group of passionate individuals who collect food and organic waste from the community and turn it into usable compost. Over the past 10 years, Compost Cats has diverted over 20 million pounds of food waste from landfills. Eco-Reps is a student organization that drives sustainability initiatives within the university’s 23 dorms on campus. Get involved and you could lead fun events like Recyclemania, a dorm recycling competition held every spring. The Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) provides grant funding for sustainability projects from students and campus community members. If you have an idea, the CSF could help you bring your project to life.