April 2023

Located in the picturesque Eastern Townships region of Quebec, Bishop’s is a one-of-a-kind institution in Canada and one of only three English speaking universities in Quebec. Founded in 1843 and modelled after the colleges of Oxford, our approach to education can be summed up in one word: engagement. We focus on the proven liberal education model where Bishop’s connects students to an array of outstanding experiential learning opportunities, including internships, co-ops, practicum, and exceptional training experiences. These opportunities enable students to strengthen their skills and obtain valuable experiential and professional expe r i ence , wh i l e comp l et i ng t he i r academi c st ud i es . Ou r st udent s en j oy be i ng ab l e t o spec i a l i ze i n t he i r f i e l d , wh i l e st i l l hav i ng f l ex i b i l i t y t o choose cou rses f rom ot he r d i sc i p l i nes . We act ua l l y encou rage t hem t o explore multiple interests!