April 2022

www.ucr.nl At University College Roosevelt you get an education built around you. You create your own program by choosing courses from nearly for ty disciplines. From Ar t Histor y to Life Science and from Economics to Robotics, there is always a combination that will suit you. In and outside your classes you interact with engaged professors and motivated students. Our tight-knit community enables you to find and explore your passions and interests while enjoying a wonderful student life in Middelburg, the Netherlands. At University College Roosevelt I was able to combine my passion for Ar t Histor y with my interest in Data Science and Computer Science . For my final Research Project, I wanted to find something that would also allow me to bring the two together, so I star ted looking at ways we can apply data science to art histor y. In looking at current research I found my project: building a piece of ar tificial intelligence software that is able to identify the style and painter of a particular painting. Maggie I am doing research on intimate par tner violence sur vivors and I'm tr ying to discover the relationship between the resilience and post-traumatic growth of sur vivors. While this is mainly Psychological research, it does have a Legal component because I'm reviewing the types of law and policies in place in order to protect victims. There are also components of Gender Studies and Sociology that come into my project. Alejandraa ARTS & HUMANITIES Antiquity & Archaeology Ar t Histor y Film, Theater and Media Studies Histor y Linguistics Literature Musicology Music Performance Philosophy Religious Studies Rhetoric and Argumentation ENGINEERING Data Sciece and Robotics Electronics Energy and Flow Sustainable Materials Interdisciplinar y Projects SCIENCE Biomedical Science Chemistr y Cognitive Science Computer Science Ear th Science Environmental Science Life Science Mathematics Physics Premedical Program SOCIAL SCIENCE Anthropology Economics Human Geography Law Politics and International Relations Psychology Research Methods & Statistics Sociology Discover your passions, build your own curriculum, choose from the following: www.ucr.nl/ucr-101 Become par t of a close-knit community of 600 students and 80 faculty Put together your own curriculum from close to 40 different disciplines Live in guaranteed and affordable housing for the duration of your studies Join a highly international university (65%) with more than 60 nationalities Explore what Middelburg, the Netherlands and Europe have to offer “ “