April 2022

Living and studying in a foreign country presents a remarkable opportunity to engage with different cultures, societies, and languages, offering the kind of experience whose influence is felt across a lifetime. The College offers nearly 60 quarter- and year-long study abroad programs in 32 cities in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. COLLEGEADMISSIONS.UCHICAGO.EDU Study Abroad The University of Chicago manages its own study abroad programs, through which groups of two dozen students travel abroad with our own professors. This arrangement, which allows students to travel abroad while remaining enrolled in the College and fulfilling graduation requirements, ensures quality of instruction and curriculum, relevance to the College’s Core curriculum or the student ’s major, and transferability of credit and financial aid. Quarter-long, faculty-led programs taught primarily in English fulfill the Core Civilizations requirement or dive deep into a thematic area of interest like neuroscience or astronomy. Language immersion opportunities allow students to improve fluency. Year-long programs are available to students who wish to enroll directly in one of over a dozen partner foreign universities, including programs in Barcelona, Berlin, Bologna, England, Scotland, Ireland, Kyoto, or Saint Petersburg. Adaora E. “When I chose to take the African Civilizations sequence in Dakar, Senegal, I of course expected that some of the things we would learn in class would be reflected outside of the classroom. What I didn’t realize was how often the city would become our classroom.” Austin L. “After several appointments with my Academic and Study Abroad advisors, I applied to the British/Irish Direct Enrollment program at King’s College London with an intent to take courses in the Film Studies and Business Management departments. I was absolutely ecstatic when I found out that I was accepted into the program! Since high school, I developed an interest in world cinema and English literature and King’s College London offered a breadth of courses that aligned with my academic interests. This opportunity meant that I would leave my friends and Chicago for a year to immerse myself fully as a King’s College London student, but I’m so glad I chose to pursue this year abroad to get out of my comfort zone, make new friends and colleagues, and spark my desire to explore different countries and interact with new cultures.” Zoë L . “Coming into UChicago, I had pretty much no idea what I wanted to do with my life. However, I did know that I wanted the opportunity to travel and learn abroad. UChicago offers multiple extensive opportunities to travel, learn, and work abroad—starting as early as your first year! In fact, last summer I spent two and a half months working and traveling abroad. Through both the Metcalf Internship Program and the International Experience Grant, I was able to get paid for my job and receive funding to ensure that travel costs would not be a burden. I worked as a counselor at a summer camp in Suzhou, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, where I got to teach kids from the ages of five to thirteen different STEM lessons. The summer came to a close with my first-year roommate actually coming to China and visiting me! I’d been in China so long that by the time she visited, I was the one showing her all around Shanghai and Beijing.” Visit our Study Abroad page to learn more about UChicago’s many study abroad programs and research centers abroad!