April 2022

Come Join World’s #2 Young Uni HKUST! 26th in the world Global Employability Ranking 2020 34th in the world QS World University Ranking 2022 Bengi AGCAL (Turkey) BEng Computer Engineering When I arrived, I knew no one and had no clue about how things worked here, but I was welcomed really warmly! Fernando GARCIA ALBERO (Spain) BSc Global China Studies You have to open yourself to the possibilities, and I strongly believe that HKUST is a place that allows me to do just that. Vincenz BRACKE (Germany) BSc Physics Through the aptly named Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) I was actually able to participate in meaningful research. Erfan SHEKARRIZ (Iran) BSc Biochemistry and Cell Biology HKUST’s entrepreneurial resources are abundant. That was the key to starting my own business: An entrepreneur’s dream, really. Chika KOESOEMO & Yosi KOESOEMO (Indonesia) BSc Mathematics & BSc Mathematics and Economics We believe that university is not a place to focus narrowly on academics. It is also a place to improve personal skills, to explore different elds, and to network. We meet new people every day. Minju CHO (South Korea) BSc Biotechnology and Business I was particularly impressed by the exibility and diversity of choices given to freshmen. HKUST offers interdisciplinary majors that follow the latest trends in the elds such as Biotechnology and Business (BIBU), my major. Thomas NARAYANA SWAMY (France) BSc Individualized Interdisciplinary Major - Bionics Though “Individualized Interdisciplinary Major” is more challenging than the traditional programs, I feel lucky to have made the decision of studying the major I like at HKUST as this is a place full of opportunities for a dreamer like me. Pierre CHAVANACHINDA (Thailand) BEng Mechanical Engineering & BBA General Business Studies I am able to learn more about my passion as well as get to know amazing and talented people from all over the world! Matthew MA (Indonesia) BBA Global Business HKUST offers me the best preparation to start my career. I get to experience world-class courses from top professors every day in one of the most beautiful campuses in all of Asia! Jason LEW (Malaysia) BBA Marketing HKUST is the place that has helped challenge and push me forward to be someone that can succeed and help change the world one step at a time. Marthi KIRKELAND (Norway) BBA Management One of the best things of studying in HKUST is the highly international community. I was able to make friends with people from different cultures. Natalia DUANE (Poland) BBA Marketing HKUST supports students with a plethora of scholarships, and I’m one of the many who have greatly bene tted from this. Ishita KUMAR (India) BEng Chemical and Biological Engineering India At HKUST, whether you are interested in entrepreneurship, research, or philanthropic work, not only will there be many opportunities for you but also those opportunities will be completely hands-on. Hritvik ARYA (India) BEng Electronic Engineering and BBA Finance HKUST has transformed me in ways I could’ve never imagined. While the hands-on approach to all the courses helped me break the chains of the theoretical knowledge I was con ned to, the constant interaction with students from different backgrounds helped me overcome my social anxiety.