April 2022

YOUR SKILLS With just a few months until summer break, you might be thinking about applying for a parttime job or an internship. So, it is time to polish up your resume to make sure it showcases your experiences. Bucknell University has some great suggestions for skills you should highlight in your resume and in your applications: INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SKILLS: ability to… • sort data and objects • compile and rank information • apply information creatively to specific problems or tasks DESIGN AND PLANNING SKILLS: ability to… • set realistic goals • manage time effectively • set priorities RESEARCH AND INVESTIGATION SKILLS: ability to… • use a variety of sources of information • design an experiment, plan, or model that systematically defines a problem • formulate questions relevant to clarifying a particular problem, topic, or issue COMMUNICATION SKILLS: ability to… • listen with objectivity and paraphrase the content of a message • use various forms and styles of written communication • identify and communicate value judgments effectively HUMAN RELATIONS AND INTERPERSONAL SKILLS: ability to… • keep a group “on track” and moving toward the achievement of a common goal • interact effectively with peers, superiors, and subordinates • be willing to take risks CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS: ability to … • Quickly and accurately identify critical issues when making decisions or solving problems • create innovative solutions to complex problems • analyze the interrelationships of events and ideas from several perspectives MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION SKILLS: ability to … • analyze tasks • identify one’s own values • motivate and lead people