MaiaZine - European Summer Programs

The first phase of this innovative program gives you the opportunity to boost your soft skills through engaging sessions on leadership, personal branding, public speaking and teamwork. During the second phase, you are able to explore different fields of study and discover your ideal career path through workshops led by our very own faculty. The face-to-face edition is held at the IEU Campus in Segovia and Madrid. It is complemented by a wide range of extracurricular and team-building activities. The program is offered in both face-to-face and online format Tracks: Business & Entrepreneurship Law, Economics & International Relations Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence Behavior, Communication & Design 10% Early Bird discount for those who enroll by May 15th The IE University Summer Program is a two-week academically dynamic course comprised of workshops and team-building projects Application deadline: June 18 th Click here for full details July 5th — 16th 2021